The Falcon Foundation serves aspiring Air Force Academy cadets by providing scholarships to attend one of five military prep schools before earning an appointment to the Academy. Founded in 1958, the Foundation provides an alternative pathway for promising cadets to earn an appointment. Over the years, costs have increased to continue providing scholarships that cover portions of costs for room, board and tuition. In 1980, the average scholarship was $1,000. Today, the average scholarship is around $11,500 – a 1,036.4% increase. Students supported by the Falcon Foundation have an 80% appointment rate at the Academy. Your donation today will continue this helpful support for aspiring cadets from all backgrounds.
Donation Challenge
$15,000 if 150 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Paul Rossetti
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $93
Match Complete!
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Challenge
$10,000 if 50 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Mike Lambert
Donation Challenge
$10,000 if 100 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Bill Clohan
Donation Match
$100 per donor up to $1,990
Match Complete!
For Class of 1990
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $10,000
Match Complete!
For Class of 1977
Offered by Rick Sowers