The Academy Oath Project cadet club is dedicated to instilling a profound sense of duty and understanding of the Constitution among cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Created by cadets for cadets, the AOP strives to cultivate a program to institutionalize, educate and train all cadets on the Oath of Office and civil-military relations norms to foster a deeper understanding of military service in a democracy.
With deliberate education and collaborative efforts with faculty and senior leaders, they emphasize commitment to the Constitution. They have enhanced many Academy ceremonies where the oath is administered by including language that explains the history and meaning of the oath, including inprocessing, BCT ceremonies and promotion and re-enlistment ceremonies. AOP language has been adopted for USAFA's commissioning ceremonies, convocation and graduation.
Looking ahead, the Academy Oath Project has three main goals, which can benefit from donor gifts:
* Establish a cultural immersion trip focused on the U.S.
* Host an oath symposium
* Create a monument for the Oath of Office visible to all cadets.
Donation Challenge
$15,000 if 150 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Paul Rossetti
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $93
Match Complete!
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Challenge
$10,000 if 50 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Mike Lambert
Donation Challenge
$10,000 if 100 donors give in the next 4 months
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 1970
Offered by Bill Clohan
Donation Match
$100 per donor up to $1,990
Match Complete!
For Class of 1990
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $16,000
Match Complete!
For Academy Oath Project Fund
Offered by Robert McNeal
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $10,000
Match Complete!
For Class of 1977
Offered by Rick Sowers